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SAP Fiori UX and UI

Strategies for front-ends, user experience and mobile solutions

Access your company data from anywhere

Mobile internet use with smartphones and tablets has changed information technology more than anything else. Everyone wants to be able to access worldwide databases anywhere and at any time. This trend does not stop at corporate processes either: data from SAP systems, which used to be reserved mainly for office staff, can now be made available to everyone on mobile devices easily and cost-effectively. Mobile solutions in the areas of customer and order management, warehouse management, logistics and service have already been on the market for years and are constantly being optimised.

We develop digital apps for industrial companies to better prepare them for global competition in the digital age.
Jack Wong
SAP Senior Solution Architect

Which UI is the right one?

The growing mobile use of IT systems and the continuing triumph of the cloud are creating entirely new requirements for application interfaces. In fact, software designed specifically for the cloud is usually much more user-friendly. Mobility is an essential aspect of cloud solutions. The problem: How can data from the SAP universe be displayed on different end devices? The challenge: How can the right user interface be found for which use case? How can individually tailored UIs be designed on the basis of distributed data? Which technologies can companies use to simplify and improve their processes or even invent completely new processes? And: How can mobile processes be integrated into the existing application landscape? We help you to answer these questions.

UX/UI/Mobile strategy and architecture consulting and realisation

  • Derive and implement company-wide strategies for front-ends, user experience and mobile solutions.
  • Analysis of which of their business processes are suitable for Fiori UX and which are the appropriate solutions for this purpose
  • Design and implementation of customised UI solutions across different SAP and non-SAP products
  • Fiori UX development and implementation
  • Developments on the SAP Cloud Platform (SCP): Comprehensive process integration across system boundaries, can be displayed with Fiori/UX on the interface continuously and without system breaks

Your contact

For detailed advice, we are of course also happy to assist you personally. Simply contact us directly:

Jack Wong

Consulting Director

Contact: cbs Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.

Email: sg-office@cbs-dev.de

Contact: cbs Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

Email: my-office@cbs-dev.de

Contact: cbs Japan

Email: sg-office@cbs-dev.de