Delivering SAP Rollouts Remotely: Dos and Donts to Ensure Smooth Delivery | cbs Corporate Business Solutions

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15.12.2020 | Webinar

Delivering SAP Rollouts Remotely: Dos and Donts to Ensure Smooth Delivery

Welcome to our 2020 cbs Coffee Break-Out Sessions!


Are you facing an SAP projects that cannot wait any longer? Are you wondering how to manage this remotely in current times? Let cbs give you some insights into just recently delivered complex remote projects.

Fresh off two Go-Lives, our Project Managers Lisa and Tony will share their learnings and experiences from the last 9 months on an SAP S/4HANA System Conversion project and on a complex SAP plant rollout project.

What would they change knowing what they know now? What advice do they have to offer to anyone about to embark on a similar journey?

Lisa and Tony will discuss following questions:
– How should the project be set up?
– How does remote work affect your planning?
– Real stories from their recent Go-Lives


Questions from the audience will also be answered during and after the panel discussion.

This panel discussion is open to any SAP customer in North America.

Do you have any questions about our Events? Please contact:

Victor Puente

Manager, Sales & Marketing

Phone: +1 484 954 9847


Phone: +1 484 954 9847
