Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures | cbs Corporate Business Solutions

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Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures

TSA Compliant, every time.

As IT executives, you are sometimes unaware of upcoming M&A activity. It is your job regardless to ensure the on-time execution of a technical implementation resembling open-heart surgery.

These projects come in many shapes and sizes, such as the divestiture of various companies, or acquiring several plants from a competitor. Understanding the technical implications of data, architecture, and overall system impact is critical whether you find yourself on the buying or selling side of an M&A deal.

SAP Carve-Outs

SAP Carve-Outs are triggered by the divesture of plants, companies, business units, or other SAP organizational elements. They also vary significantly regarding how much data must be carved out from the source system.

This is why engaging a partner with M&A experience is critical to meeting your deadlines and ensuring the right data ends up in the right hands.

  • With our transformation software we offer flexible & short-term answers for IT – flexible scenarios such as retroactive spin-offs are possible
  • We provide support from concept to execution: planning, timing, system strategies and technical execution of the project
  • By ensuring continuity in processes and document chains, we keep the impact on the business to a minimum

Full history, or time slice. We’ll ensure that your TSA requirements are met, on time, and legally compliant.

M&A’s are driven by the business. Executing SAP carve-outs smoothly and on-time is critical in the success of a merger or acquisition.
Lorenz Praefcke
What is an SAP Carve-Out?

System-Merge:  Consolidation of SAP systems

Business transformations thrive on rapid adaptation of the process and system landscape. Large projects on a global scale require comprehensive implementation strategies. The implementation of the IT architecture requires complex overall program management. With proven solutions, cbs merges SAP applications and ERP systems flexibly & in a short time.

We can help you harmonize your:


Restructuring of SAP organization and data

Department organizational changes cannot be mapped smoothly in the SAP system using in-house resources. We harmonize organizational structures and data during ongoing operations with minimal business disruption. Whether you are reallocating a plant in preparation for a future divestiture, or restructuring your landscape for tax and data compliance, we can help:

  • Map organizational changes in SAP systems with SLO/DMLT approaches and tools.
  • Optimization, harmonization and end-to-end transformation of structures, processes, data and reporting (charts of accounts, cost accounting / company codes, profit centers, material types / material groups, customer / supplier master, purchasing / sales organization, distribution channels)
  • High-quality and audit-proof conversion (compliance) through accelerated projects – saving time, effort and costs.

Plant Reallocation at Pacific Drilling

  • Rig (maintained as SAP plant) reallocated to different company code
  • Automated previously manual, error prone process
  • Cost and effort reduction with template approach
  • Minimal business disruption
“The cbs ET Enterprise Transformer® is the engine for data transformation. Its enormous functional scope simplifies the lives of our customers every day.”
Benjamin Krischer
Consulting Director, cbs

Your contact

For detailed advice, we are of course also happy to assist you personally. Simply contact us directly;

Victor Puente

Manager, Sales & Marketing

Phone: +1 484 954 9847


Phone: +1 484 954 9847
