SDT allows us to selectively migrate data to SAP S/4HANA while retaining the existing business processes and customizations. Sometimes the term “selective” might be a bit misleading as it is often used to describe a restrictive migration of current data, including master data, open items, and balances. When facilitating SDT organizations should primarily check on a “legal entity” as well as “fiscal year” level to determine the overall applicable selection rules. More specific selections can be done on module level but these require a more educated discussion as the overall integrity of data across SAP module boundaries needs to be guaranteed. Both points below can be combined or applied individually.

Selection on legal entities
The best practice for selecting by org unit in SDT is to choose the “organizational slice” at the company code level. This approach is typically used to leave behind company codes that are no longer active, such as those that were divested in the past. The lower-level entities such as plants, sales organizations, and purchase organizations will be brought over based on their assignment to the company code. This ensures that only data residing within the relevant organizational units are migrated to the new system.
Select on Time Slice
The best practice for selecting data based on the fiscal year involves choosing a single fiscal year “slice” across all applications or business objects. The time slice definition should include the current fiscal year and a certain number of past fiscal years are decided on a project by project basis. Key considerations for choosing the fiscal year selecting are to reduce the data footprint while at the same time taking enough data to keep processes consistent to avoid business disruption at go-live.
Data can be complex to manage and SDT allows us to precisely move subsets of data which simplifies a complex problem that businesses deal with. If you’re curious as to how cbs can move your data leave a comment below.
Victor Puente
Manager, Sales & Marketing
Phone: +1 484 954 9847
Phone: +1 484 954 9847