Why Do Companies Use SAP ERP?


Change is, and has always been, constant.  

However, as time passes by, the pace of the same is becoming more and more relentless in the world of business. Whether it’s about the ever-so-shifting consumer needs or shortages in the supply chain – it’s become everlasting trouble for businesses to keep up with it all. 

Thus, increasingly, we’ll all need to be conscious of our business ecosystem and opt for smart work rather than hard. And using an ERP system is the perfect first way to move forward. 

Now, here’s the thing. 

In today’s world of agility and automation, choosing a suitable ERP system might be difficult for almost everyone. However, if we’re considering everything from a general viewpoint, it’ll be ideal for you or any other business owner to take a look at SAP ERP. 

What is SAP ERP? 

The acronym SAP refers to Systems, Applications, and Products. Convoluted as it may sound, SAP is essentially an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) platform that can help you manage and store data from different functional areas, including the following – 

  • Sales and distribution 
  • Supply chain management  
  • Financial Accounting  
  • Business intelligence 
  • Material and manufacturing management, and 
  • Warehouse and logistics management 

Apart from collecting and managing data, you can interpret the same accordingly. However, it might require an expert to do the same. So, try not to engage with it alone. 

If used properly, SAP ERP can offer a precise process to provide a complete perspective, both external and internal, of your business.  

How Does It Benefit Your Business? 

The importance of the SAP ERP system will depend on your organization’s needs and how it operates in the market. For instance, it can help you handle numerous business tasks, improve your day-to-day functions, and automate everyday tasks effectively. 

Apart from offering the most accurate, business-related procedures, it’ll also offer a complete picture of various business cases. So, let’s keep reading to know more about it. 

1: Cost-Effective 

The SAP ERP system can reduce the requirement of administration and operation expenses to some extent by providing you with accurate, real-time data.  

As a manufacturer, you will also be able to control your operational prowess, minimize all the interruptions in production, and much more.  

Furthermore, it will also offer you the opportunity to break up the information you have quite a bit systematically. This, in turn, will result in more effective and prompt decision-making. 

2: Advanced Data Management 

As your organization grows, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to understand your sales margins and calculate them accordingly. Apart from this, you will also need to track your – 

  • Sales growth (year to date) 
  • Customer retention and loyalty  
  • Generation of qualified leads per month 
  • Cost of consumer acquisition  
  • Net promoter score, etc. 

Now, if you’re trying to do all of it manually, it’ll be impossible to complete all these tasks in a single go. However, as SAP ERP comes with an automation system, it can be used to create a much more synchronized report on whatever metrics you are following. 

Remember – tracking the core performance metrics of your organization will be crucial to set up your future goals and assessing success. So, it’s best to start working today. 

3: Higher Level of Transparency 

With SAP ERP, you can automate your records and share them in a single database. It, in turn, can minimize the issue of data duplication quite effectively.  

In addition, the system will only report the most recent or current entries to you. Coupled with accurate data, such a scenario will ensure that you understand how your operation department is working perfectly. Furthermore, it can also increase your transparency by – 

  • Helping you monitor different marginal operations, 
  • Tracking your billing and delivery-related outputs, and 
  • Keeping an eye on your product inventory and purchase orders  

As a result, you’ll have a clear picture of what’s going on in your organization and present it to the audit team when required. It will bode well for creating a transparent work culture. 

4: Excellent Visibility and Accessibility 

One of the biggest and most prominent benefits of SAP ERP is how visible and accessible the entire platform is. Employees from each and every department will be able to access whatever data you have stored within the platform. And, yes, it can be accessed from every device. 

Due to the centralized location of the data storage, you’ll also be able to collaborate with most of the employees effectively. The workflow will also become much more coherent and, hence, can streamline the task completion rate effectively. 

Also, whilst you’re tracking the processes, the data you’ll evaluate will be accurate, updated, and complete. So it will be easier for you to make decisions quickly and confidently. 

5: Space for Customization 

With SAP ERP, you will get to choose whatever application you need to cater to the specific requirements of your organization. And yes, you can leave out the rest if they aren’t needed. 

The procedure in which the platform is implemented will represent yet another customization-related aspect. There are two different ways of deploying the system available too – 

  • Through the cloud (in this aspect, the software will be managed and handled through an off-site server by the SAP ERP provider) 
  • The company premises (in this case, you will need to perform the implementation and installation of the physical software on your own) 

In general, the former option looks more of a safer bet, especially if you are not tech-savvy or don’t have SAP experts in your organization. However, as someone else is handling the whole system, your organizational or personal data might be in jeopardy. 

On the flip side, if you are working alone, you’ll have to pay a massive amount of upfront fee to SAP and the hardware companies. However, it might be financially better in the long run if you can keep the software and the hardware intact. 

SAP for the Sake of Your Business 

The process of installing or implementing SAP ERP can be difficult, no matter how you look at it. However, once you’re done with it, your entire operational segment will become smooth and reliable. Furthermore, it will also become easier for you to collaborate accordingly.